Monday, May 4, 2009

Welcome to Trads in Contempo Life: New vs Now

Nadam spectators, Mongolia 2006 L.W. Deutsch
Those Oldies but Goodies ...

We are not so "new" as we are "now". I believe in "progress", the same progress that GE claimed as its "most important product!"

Traditions we commonly think of as being an artifact from back "then". But I have had the pleasure of studying first hand these oldies but goodies that are still effective today, practiced by modern, talented people. These folks are Korean shamans and Japanese tea ritual masters. Their accomplishments carry the legacies of having been deep rooted in the "past". At the same time, they are continuing that root, today. I hope to expand this blog occasionally.

In the meantime, please visit to see some of my writing on these subjects and more.

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